Accounting is the engine that drives the wheels of a business. Seldom seen, and often not looked at until something goes wrong. Relying on a single staff member to handle all the different functions of this engine can have a severe impact on your business when a misfire occurs.
GreatLIFE provides support to your onsite controller through a team of golf industry accountants that have worked with over 80 golf courses to ensure your business motor continues to operate at peak performance, even when unexpected circumstances arise.
We believe…
that accounting is the engine of the business, and the key to ensuring all departments stay on the track.
Get all the benefits of scale
Centralized Resources
We use the latest remote access technology to provide full-service accounting and finance functions in a secure and equitable environment.
Dedicated Accounting Team
Take ease knowing that your onsite controller is supported by the best accountants in the golf industry and increase your department managers operational knowledge by communicating with industry professionals and accountants.
Industry Specific Skill Sets
Align with an accounting team that specializes in the golf and entertainment industries. Focusing on one industry, our team has developed processes proven to streamline accounting tasks and lower operating expenses.
Granular Detail & Performance Metrics
Knowing every transaction on your financial report allows for better operational decision making. Our financial reports include a detailed ledger that allows for owners and operators to ensure every transaction makes the most sense for the business.
Make every penny count. Our team analyzes every vendor relationship throughout all departments to ensure the best price for the service is met.
Drill down on each department and focus on the making the most impact in your operation by comparing your performance against similar operations. Brown Golf regularly publishes a comparison of KPI’s through our portfolio to expose any inefficiencies.

Cut Expenses by Centralizing Routine Tasks
Accounts Payable Processing
Access cost effective, high quality transaction processing services that allow for timely payments to all accounts. Gain insight through detailed management analysis, by disbursement period, allowing for continuous wherewithal of outstanding liabilities.
Payroll Processing
Save time on everything from timekeeping to taxes. Working through an independent payroll processor allows for payroll services to be completed in an accurate and expedient fashion.